Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Kissing Gourami Pictures

In the picture above, the Kissing Gourami is not actually kissing, but it was a power struggle to determine who is more power over its territory. Kissing Gourami There are two colors: green and pink. In nature, size bias reached 30 cm, while at the aquarium, about 10-15 cm only.

The name "Helostoma" comes from the Greek word meaning mouth upside down, because when the fish's lips is not extended, will be in a position rolled back. While the name "temminckii" is to honor the inventor of this fish, CJ Temminck, a professor of zoology and physics from the Netherlands. "Kissing Gourami" including fish-eating moss, so well incorporated into the new aquarium installed.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Best Aquarium Plants for Rasbora Fish

Rasbora fish is a species of ornamental fish from rapid rivers in Southeast Asia. Rasbora including the types of fish are active or fast swimmers and live in groups. Therefore, Rasbora fish should be maintained with a minimum aquarium size 120 cm for they are free swimming.

Rasbora fish will also feel comfortable when living in groups with a minimum of 12 tail number, and with the other plants are low so as not to impede movement. If the swimming movement is blocked, he tends to jump out of the aquarium. Types of aquarium plants which suitable for Rasbora fish for example, Microsorium pteropus, Cryptocoryne and Eleocharis parvula.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Puntius Denisonii

Puntius Denisonii fish comes from the rushing river in India. This fish is already known since long time (1865), but was become popular among aquarium hobbyists since 2004. Previously, this fish is known as Labeo denisonii Barbus denisonii, or Crossocheilus denisonii.

Puntius denisonii is a beautifully colored fish with a red line from the mouth, through the eyes down to the middle of his body. Body shape like a torpedo with a length of 15 cm. Puntius denisonii are active swimmers and fast, and live in groups. Puntius fish will live a healthy life in a temperature of 15-25 ° C and pH with a lot of water plants.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Albino Red Tailed Black Shark

Red Tailed Black Shark tributaries of Me Nam - Thailand. Red-Tailed Black Shark will be healthy living in a temperature of 22-26 ° C with a lot of woody plants to his hideout. Body shape resembles a sea-water fish with a maximum length of 12 cm.

These fish live in groups at the time was little, but lived in seclusion after the adult and form their own region. Red-Tailed Black Shark (Epalzeorhynchos bicolor) is aggressive towards other fish that enters its territory, especially from fellow kind, so it is less suitable when kept in small aquarium.

Tropical ornamental fish gallery displays some photos of the 'Red Tailed Black Shark', including a few unusual image collections of ornamental fish species, namely Albino Red Tailed Black Shark.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Astronotus Ocellatus | Oscar Fish

Oscar fish, or to give it its proper name, Astronotus Ocellatus is a species of fish from the Cichlid family. The Oscar fish is a South American Cichlid. They are piscivorous, which means they eat other fish, so care should be taken with what else you put in the tank. A section below "Fish Tankmates for Oscars" covers this in more detail.

Oscar fish body shape tend to be flat to the side with a wide dorsal and nearly meets the back. The size of the chest and abdomen dorsal medium, while the caudal fin slightly rounded.

Based on the color there are two kinds of Oscar fish, ie Oscar brown base color as in the photo below, and type of albino white. Brown Oscar has a body reddish brown or blackish with red, orange or golden yellow pattern adorned on the side of his body. While Oscar Albino has a white body with red or yellow pattern on the side of his body.

Brown Oscar with characteristic pattern-color of wide, strongly colored and has fins dark brown or black with red lines at the edges are classified as good-quality Oscar. Just as Oscar Brown, Oscar albino with a wide pattern is also very popular.

Today, there are several types of Oscar Fish available to the Oscar enthusiast. The most frequently found are (in alphabetical order) the Albino Oscar, Lemon Oscar, Lutino Oscar, Red Oscar, Tiger Oscar, and the Yellow Oscar.

Oscar fish are reasonably easy fish to breed and this has given us many cross types of Oscar Fish from the above list and adds more interest to the hobby.

The photo you see here is just one such cross breeds. This is an Albino Tiger Oscar fish obviously bread from an Albino Oscar and a Tiger Oscar and I think makes a very attractive variety.

Bear in mind that all these types of Oscar Fish originate from the common Oscar/Cichlid family, native to the mighty South American rivers like the Amazon and the Orinoco. Due to breeders of Oscars we now have a greater selection to choose from.

Besides the color based, types of Oscar fish also distinguished by the size of the fin. Based on the fin's size , there are two kinds of Oscar. First is Oscar-Slayer with a long-finned and the second is a short finned Oscar.

Things you need to know about this fish, in normal conditions, Oscar fish behavior tends to calm. However, during feeding, while it is laying eggs, or feel disturbed, Oscar fish will be aggressive and fierce, so do not hesitate to bite anyone with his sharp teeth. Should be more careful when feeding or taking the Oscar fish eggs to avoid these fish bite.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fresh Water Ornamental Fish - Diseases Pictures

White spot or Ich (ick) as it is also known is one of the more common diseases found in fresh water aquarium fish. Ich is a protozoan disease. The scientific name for the disease is Ichthyophthiriasis. It is wide spread in all fresh water fish, but is more common in aquarium fish, most likely because they live in close contact with other species and because of stress.

Black Spot Disease caused by the larvae of parasitic digenetic flukes, Cercaria and Metacercaria. This disease is caused by a parasite (larval trematode) that burrows into the skin of a fish causing the formation of a cyst approximately one millimeter in diameter. In general, even heavy infestations of these parasites do relatively little damage to the fish. Fish with heavy infestations on the eyes may be blinded.

The term "Black Spot" refers to the formation of small cysts in the muscle and skin around which the parasite lives. The cyst accumulates black pigment cells. These cause little harm to the fish. Young fish have growth problems if heavily infected.

Chilodonella is a single cell microscopic parasite that attacks a fish skin and gills. Later the skin may be broken down and the gills destroyed. The fish will rub against objects and become inactive. The fish may also behave like they have irritations, by glancing off aquarium decor, they may have clamped fins and difficulty breathing. If the gills are affected they will stay near the water surface and gasp for air. Cloudy spots develop on the skin. The skin patches turn white and begin to disintegrate and usually over a couple day period. This opens the door to secondary infections and/or fungus.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Paradise Gouramis First Ornamental Fish Aquarium in Europe

Macropodus opercularis fish better known by the name of Paradise Fish were one of the first freshwater ornamental fish are kept in the early days of the aquarium in Europe. The paradise fish or paradise gouramis, are small freshwater labyrinth fish found in ditches and paddy fields in East Asia, ranging from the Korean Peninsula to Northern Vietnam.

As the first ornamental fishes available to western aquarium keepers, Paradise Gouramis have been imported to Europe as early as the 1800s. These small fish (adults are typically about 10 cm (4")) are ideal lone inhabitants of aquariums. The paradise fish is one of the more aggressive members of its family, by being more aggressive than the blue gourami. Yet they are far less aggressive than the rarely kept Combtail.

Generally, Paradise Fish behaviour are fairly combative, harassing and attacking each other as well as potentially killing small fish. In the wild, they are predators, eating insects, invertebrates and small fish. The popularity of this species has waned in recent decades as much more colorful (and often, less pugnacious) species of gouramis have become widely available to hobbyists. However the privileges of paradise fish, this species is one of the few fish that can change its color (lighter or darker) in response to stimuli.

Other existing features of this fish maybe because paradise gouramis also tolerant of virtually any water conditions, surviving in cool and warm waters alike. They can be kept in outdoor ponds, or even the simplest of unheated aquariums. They will accept virtually any food, but should be given a reasonably high-protein diet (as opposed to vegetable-based foods of the sort sold for goldfish.)

Paradise fish are bubble nest builders. As is typical of most bettas and gouramis, Paradise fish spawning involves a male building a bubble nest with floating mat of saliva-coated air bubbles, often incorporating plant matter and then attracting a female to it.

Breeding can be triggered by raising the temperature, although have found that they will breed in winter with no apparent change in environmental conditions. When the female is ready to mate she will approach the male and turn on her side. The male wraps his body around hers, and she releases eggs at the same time that he releases sperm. The eggs are lighter than water and float up into the nest. The male gathers the fertilized eggs after each embrace, spitting them up into the bubble nest.

After spawning, the male has no further use for the female and may violently attack her (and any other fish that approaches the nest.) Once the fry hatch and have begun to swim freely, the male is best removed and the fry raised on infusoria or newly hatched brine shrimp.

In Taiwan the native populations of Paradise Fish have been reduced to low levels by pollution in the rivers, and now it is listed in Taiwan as a threatened species. The Aedes mosquito (Aedes aegypti) is breeding in the absence of one of its main predators, and dengue fever is threatening the Human population.

Feeding Tiger Barb Fish

Pellet feed on ornamental fish aquarium was made for a healthy and long-lived as well as generate an optimal color, so not too much fat content. Ornamental fish generally eat pellets feed or flakes which have absorbed the water, it means the water had to be absorbed by the feed before being eaten by fish, not after being in the digestive tract.

But apparently there are few species of ornamental fish such as Tiger Barb (Barbus Tetrazona) who grabbed the feed so fast sometimes even food have not had time to absorb water. As a result, we will see Tiger Barb fish are swimming with a diagonal position or with head downwards, because its digestion disrupted.

To prevent this, give time the flakes to absorb water. The trick is to hold the flakes in water for a few seconds before released, or drop the flakes near the outflow of the filter pump, so that the feed will be drifted and absorb water before the fish eaten.

No longer in a hurry when feeding your Tiger Barb fish or other ornamental fish aquarium, so that your ornamental fish can live healthy, long-lived and pulled out the optimum color.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Beautiful Maanvis Pictures | Angel Fish

These following pictures below are the photo gallery of Maanvis fish (Pterophyllum scalare), which includes ornamental fish cichlid species with distinctive appearance, which is graceful, gentle, and beautiful.

If Discus fish got nickname as 'King of Freshwater Aquarium' then the Maanvis fish nickname was 'Queen of Freshwater Aquarium' or also said as 'Angelfish'.

From the results of interbreed made by hobbies or breeder, maanvis produced a variety of colors, like black and white (BW), black, tricolor, yellow, and albino. Currently, the famous maanvis fish species are yellow plain white with red eyes light up. Prices of this type are relatively expensive than other maanvis types.

Maanvis including the ornamental fish types which are easily to breeding because quite often lay eggs. Maanvis also quite tolerant with a variety of water conditions. So it is quite easy in care. But, to get best quality of maanvis fish, its required special attention because of the long tie of maanvis fish was frangible. Besides the fish skin is easily scratched, and the long fins on the maanvis fish is perishable, easily rotten or torn.

The damaged fins of maanvis can usually be repaired with a good care when the fish are immature, but when it occurs in adult maanvis fish, the such damages could not recover.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Koi Fish Pictures and Tattoos Design

These following photos are the koi fish pictures that has a Latin name Cyprinus Carpio and it’s a freshwater ornamental fish species which have long been used as pet fish. Therefore, it would not be surprised if the koi fish is very popular among almost all over the world hobbies. The selling price of koi fish is also very varied, ranging from cheap to very expensive.

Many people believe Koi fish is a freshwater ornamental fish origin from China and growing rapidly in Japan since 200 years is then up to now. This ornamental fish belongs to long-lived fish. It is said that the most long koi fish age found in Japan, reaching the age of 226 years. Knowing the age of koi fish is to count in the ring in the scales. For the breeder in Japan, the cultivation of koi fish is considered more art than business. So, the trend of breeding koi fish is always evolving all the time.

The koi fish photos show you that koi's body shape is cylindrical elongated like a torpedo with a wide range of colors and very interesting. Usually the jury in the koi fish contest assessing the beauty of Koi by its color because the colors of koi fish characterized the fish type, eg. types of koi Kohaku dominated by red and white or colored of koi sumi means black type. Colors on koi fish also have different patterns and also creates its own tastes among hobbies include to the tattoos design ideas which became quite popular and sought after.

With the shapes, colors and the patterns of koi make this fish a very beautiful ornamental fish when viewed from above, so it is more suitable reared in fish ponds are placed in the yard of the house. Here are the best koi fish pictures taken from different angles to show you the beauty of this ornamental fish and including a number of koi fish tattoo designs that apparently inspired many tattoo artists around the world ... Enjoy...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Frontosa : Cichlids from Lake Tanganyika

Frontosa characteristic lies in her zebra-print black and white with vertical lines or a combination of dark blue, silver, and yellow. These colors make the cyphotilapia frontosa be varied. Another characteristic is at the head of frontosa that similar with lou han fish, which it has a lump on his face.

Frontosa fish usually have a fat body shape and looks sturdy. however, cyphotilapia frontosa has a graceful carriage because including the slow-moving ornamental fish type, which is happy to swim slowly. For an ornamental fish, frontosa favored because of the kind of peaceful, benign, and not fierce so the owner can freely do appear or feeding frontosa without fear of being hit.

African cichlids Frontosa lives at great depths (bottom dweller) in Lake Tanganyika and often suffers from swim bladders problems for wild caught fishes. They are mostly restricted to the rocky areas in the wild. They are rather intolerant of poor water condition and demand regular, frequent water but small water changes.

Frontosa Fish Profiles :
Distribution : Lake Tanganyika (Endemic)
Size : Up to 14 inches for Male, smaller for female. Growth rate appear to be slow under captivity.
PH : 8.6 to 9.5
Temperature : 22 to 29 0 C (higher temperature for breeding).
Hardness : Hard to very hard, alkaline water.
Diet : Piscivore. Flake, freeze fried & frozen and pellet food. Live food such as prawns and earthworms. Not advisable to give them floating food.
Breeding : Open polygamous, mouth brooder.
Sexual Difference : Males are much larger with longer flowing fins and well developed nuchal hump (not always accurate).

It's best to keep frontosa in groups from small as the males are very intolerant of each other. Growing them up together has the advantage of establishing the "pecking" order early to prevent over-aggressiveness to establish dominance in the tank.